
GEOZONe maintains a bibliography on zine praxis and pedagogy within and beyond the academy. Please get in touch if you have relevant material to share!


Almendarez, Loren, Lauren Andrikanich, Moira Armstrong, Morgan Bimm, Aksel Biorn-Hansen, Dri Chiu Tattersfield, Lea Cooper, et al. 2023. “DIY Methods 2023 Conference Proceedings.”

Arroyo-Ramirez, Elvia, Rose L. Chou, Jenna Freedman, Simone Fujita, and Cynthia Mari Orozco. 2018. “The Reach of a Long-Arm Stapler: Calling in Microaggressions in the LIS Field through Zine Work.” Library Trends 67 (1): 107–30.

Bruin-Molé, Megen de, and Mihaela Brebenel. 2020. “The Carrier Bag of Feminist Pedagogy: Zine-Making as Training in the Neoliberal University.” MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture 5.

Chidgey, Red. 2014. “Developing Communities of Resistance? Maker Pedagogies, Do-It-Yourself Feminism, and DIY Citizenship.” In DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media, eds. Matt Ratto and Megan Boler, 101–13. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Creasap, Kimberly. 2014. “Zine-Making as Feminist Pedagogy.” Feminist Teacher 24 (3): 155–68.

Desyllas, Moshoula Capous, and Allison Sinclair. 2014. “Zine-Making as a Pedagogical Tool for Transformative Learning in Social Work Education.” Social Work Education 33 (3): 296–316.

GEOZONe Collective, Angela Last, Aparna Parikh, Rae Baker, and Jane Henderson. 2024. “Teaching with Zines Workshop.” Virtual roundtable panel.

Moscowitz, Leigh, and Micah Blaise Carpenter. 2014. “Girl Zines at Work: Feminist Media Literacy Education with Underserved Girls.” Girlhood Studies 7 (2): 25–43.

Way, Laura. 2017. “Here’s Some Scissors, Here’s Some Glue, Now Go Make a Zine! A Teacher’s Reflections on Zine-Making in the Classroom.” In Punk Pedagogies, ed. Gareth Smith, Mike Dines, Tom Parkinson, 144–55. London: Routledge.

Wrekk, Alex. 2020 (2002). Stolen Sharpie Revolution: A DIY Resource for Zines and Zine Culture. 6th ed. San Francisco, California: Silver Sprocket.


An archive of mayhem-making zines and radical geographic print ephemera
