Submission Instructions

If you have a digital or print zine you would like to submit to the archive, please:

  1. confirm it falls within the scope of the archive (see scope outline)

  2. agree to redistribution under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. If you are not the original creator, we ask that you put the creator in touch with us or receive written permission to submit it to the archive.

  1. email geozonecollective[at]protonmail[dot]com, subject line ‘GEOZONe zine submission: [zine title]’. Include the following information:
    • print-ready zine file (.pdf)
    • and/or screen-ready zine file (.pdf)
    • title of zine
    • creator(s)
    • year & location created
    • language
    • 50-150 word description(s) in English and relevant languages
    • 4-6 keywords (English preferred; see tags for reference)
  1. if applicable, please also include:
    • print and assembly instructions
    • any necessary permissions

We look forward to receiving your materials!


An archive of mayhem-making zines and radical geographic print ephemera