Imagining the anti-ableist university

Daniel P. Jones et al., 2025

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Imagining the anti-ableist university is a collection of frustrations, tensions, and hopes for the future of an anti-ableist university created by a collection of critical disability studies scholars and university professional services staff in the UK. Through sharing some of our dialogues surrounding the concept of the anti-ableist university over the past 6 months, we encourage this zine to be read critically and engaged, critiqued, and used as a starting point for others to share their frustrations with and hopes for the anti-ableist university, whatever that may mean to you.


Daniel P. Jones, Lauren White, Liz Dew, Elaina Gauthier-Mamaril, Armineh Soorenian, Ankita Mishra, Cassie Kill, Helen Evans, Christina Lee, & Sophie Phillips


An archive of mischief-making zines and radical geographic print ephemera