Come y Habla

Léa Lamotte et. al, 2023

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Our food is made of meanings, materialities, and knowledges that are constantly evolving. With fifteen volunteer students aged 22 to 47 at the Pablo de Olavide University, and with the support of the local association El Enjambre Sin Reina, we explored how sensorial (emotions and physical sensations), spatial (from the body to the territory), and temporal dimensions (memories and visions of the future) shape how we feed ourselves. The zine is the result of creative and collaborative works of art realized during a series of workshops held in inspiring spaces, such as a community garden, an occupied house or a public park. The zine expresses participants’ perceptions about how they buy, cook and eat, how it was in the past and how they would like it to change towards more sustainability. It aims to invent new ways of sharing and bringing the academy to life.


Léa Lamotte, Paulino Ramos-Ballesteros, Rodrigo Peña-Cabra, Elena, Alba, Mathilde, Mariola, Claudia, Eduard, Javi, Imke, Iván, Raúl, Paula, Anaelle, Chris, Hicham, & Javi


An archive of mayhem-making zines and radical geographic print ephemera