Safter Without Police

slumberkitty & ethyl ephedrine, 2021

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What does a world without police look like? This is an independently published work by genderqueer writer & activist slumberkitty, who has lived experience of police violence, with editing & research help from ethyl ephedrine, that aspires to summarise police abolitionist work and campaigns, to provide some history and context to policing in Australia, offer some comparisons of policing and alternatives, and to convince the reader of the need to abolish the police. There are many zines about police abolition available in Australia from the US and elsewhere, and we wanted to create something that was Australia-specific. We intend to update and improve this zine, so please contact us with suggestions and critique, take this content to adapt and build from, and create your own resources that work towards the abolition of police. Disarm, demobilise, and defund police! Stop Blak deaths in custody! Cut ties with police!


An archive of mayhem-making zines and radical geographic print ephemera