The Strangers

Kiiza Wilson & Alessandro Musetta, 2024

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The Strangers, rehabilitates the forgotten, erased and censored history of the indigenous Bugungu people. Curated by an indigenous Bugungu with the mission of documenting the tangible and intangible heritage of his people, it uncovers a new geography of his homeland, for the first time not written from the point of view of the Strangers who ravaged his homeland for centuries.

The elders and cultural leaders of the Bugungu people, the subject of the fanzine, have orally granted Kiiza Wilson consent to its online publication and dissemination, including GEOZONe. We take this opportunity to recognise and honour all the Bugungu ancestors who have led and are leading their resilient people.

Mwebale hoi kunzegwa (thanks for listening, in Lugungu language)


An archive of mischief-making zines and radical geographic print ephemera